Riverdale Houses - 2016 2nd Quarter Report E01

Including: North Riverdale, South Riverdale, Blake-Jones and Greenwood-Coxwell

In the second quarter of 2016 only 39 houses (or 16%) in North and South Riverdale, Blake-Jones and Greenwood-Coxwell were sold under asking. A detached house on Coxwell received 91% of the asking price - the lowest. 18 properties sold for full asking price, with the least expensive, a freehold townhouse in south Riverdale, selling for $550,000, and the most expensive, a detached home in North Riverdale, for $1,700,000. 184 houses were sold above asking, between 101% and 147%.

The highest amount of money paid over the listing price was $516,000, paid for a 2-storey, beautifuly renovated, modern and sleek detached home in Leslieville. Another renovated 3-storey semi-detached home in prime Riverdale received $376,000 more than the listing price.

42 attached houses (freehold townhouses) sold at an average price of $863,004. The selling prices ranged from $550,000 for a very narrow 2-storey townhouse in the southermost part of Leslieville, to $1,320,000 for a 2-year old modern and stylish townhouse at Queen and Broadview. Average ratio of sold to list price was 111% (from a low of 94% to a high of 136%).

129 semi-detached homes were sold at an average price of $887,762, ranging from $600,000, paid for a fresh looking semi with parking near Coxwell north of Gerrad, to $1,525,000 for a renovated 3-storey semi with lane parking in prime Riverdale. Average ratio of sold to list price was 116% (from 92% to 146%).

65 detached houses were sold at an average price of $1,121,174, ranging from $600,000 for a small dilapidated house on a fairly small lot, which was sold for lot value, to $1,900,000 for a large contemporary loft residence in south Leslieville. Average ratio of sold to asking price was 112% (between 91% and 147%).

Detached Houses

Riverdale has some grand detached houses, many attractively renovated Riverdale Toronto 2016 2015 Difference
House Sales 63 61 + 3.3%
Homes Average Price $1,124,973 $1,043,544 + 7.8%
New Listings 85 99 - 14.1%
Active Listings 44 59 - 11.9%
% of Sales Price to Listing Price 111.6% 109.6% + 2.0%
Days on Market 8 11 - 3

Sales Average Price New Listings Days on Market % Sold Price / List Price
North Riverdale 14 $1,398,859 21 5 110.7%
South Riverdale 20 $1,111,385 29 6 117.5%
Blake-Jones 5 $1,134,240 6 4 103.8%
Greenwood-Coxwell 24 $974,598 29 11 109.1%

Semi-detached Houses

Semi-detached Riverdale homes vary in style and size, from small 2 bedroom to grand 5 or even 6 bedroom mansions Riverdale Toronto 2016 2015 Difference
House Sales 124 155 - 20.0%
Homes Average Price $891,567 $774,411 + 15.1%
New Listings 141 206 - 31.6%
Active Listings 53 76 - 30.3%
% of Sales Price to Listing Price 115.8% 109.5% + 6.3%
Days on Market 7 8 - 1

Sales Average Price New Listings Days on Market % Sold Price / List Price
North Riverdale 19 $1,149,849 20 7 120.0%
South Riverdale 60 $893,837 64 8 115.7%
Blake-Jones 15 $814,400 15 6 111.2%
Greenwood-Coxwell 30 $762,034 42 7 114.7%

Attached Houses (Freehold Townhouses)

Attached homes are also called townhouses or row houses. They are also common in Riverdale, mostly among Victorian homes in south part of the neighbourhood Riverdale Toronto 2016 2015 Difference
House Sales 42 37 + 13.5%
Homes Average Price $863,004 $718,310 + 20.1%
New Listings 45 45 0.0%
Active Listings 20 24 - 16.7%
% of Sales Price to Listing Price 110.6% 111.5% - 0.9%
Days on Market 8 10 - 2

Sales Average Price New Listings Days on Market % Sold Price / List Price
North Riverdale 3 $744,629 3 9 114.7%
South Riverdale 25 $925,807 27 8 110.9%
Blake-Jones 5 $784,600 5 8 119.0%
Greenwood-Coxwell 9 $771,567 10 9 104.3%
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